Zip It! A Study for Parents (Individual Access)

Zip It! A Study for Parents (Individual Access)
This item is for individual use only. You may purchase this resource for larger groups from our resources page.
Rising Above Ministries' Zip It! 6-week small group curriculum was created especially for parents of individuals with special needs. In this series, we will discuss the power of words and how they affect not only you, but those around you. You will have an opportunity to take an inventory of the words your use and the things you say. We will discuss strategies for how to use words to bring life to those around you, including your children with special needs.
This 6-session small group curriculum can be completed by yourself at home, or as a group with a your church or organization. You can complete this small group study over a series of 6 weeks.
After you purchase this curriculum, you will receive a downloadable pdf copy.