Rest: A Study for Parents (Small Group 2-20 People)

Rest: A Study for Parents (Small Group 2-20 People)
This download purchase is for small group access for 2-20 people. If you are planning for use this study with a large group or individually, please purchase the appropriate group or individual size from the resources page.
Being a special-needs parent can be beyond exhausting - physically, mentally, and emotionally. This 4-part devotional series for moms or dads takes a look at what it means to experience true rest - soulful rest - which is more than a nap or time alone. This series offers encouragement and practical advice for how to find the rest that God extends to His children on a daily basis. Includes 4 devotional readings, discussion questions, and prayer prompts.
After you complete your purchase you will receive a complete PDF file download of the Bible study.
“...there is another kind of weariness, beyond physical sleep deprivation...
a weariness that getting more sleep cannot take away. It might be the burden
of worry over your child’s new diagnosis. It might be fear over how this
special-needs journey is going to affect your marriage. Or maybe it is
anxiety over your child’s future and the future of your family. If someone asked
you how you are, you might respond with, “Fine!” - but deep down you are bone
tired - physically, emotionally, spiritually. You just. want. rest.
This kind of deep weariness requires more than a nap or some “me time”.
This is weariness of spirit...and it requires true rest and renewal that only our
Father can provide, through His Word and through the power of the Holy Spirit.”