Starting Lineup | Video Series for Married Couples

Starting Lineup | Video Series for Married Couples
Helping couples who care for individuals with disabilities and special needs to have a successful marriage.
Basketball teams that win championships are so much more than the five players on the court. There’s a large cast of folks that all play a role in the team’s health and success. But, when the lights come on, and it’s time to play the game, you can only put FIVE players on the court. Each team has to pick five to start the game. Often, the coach selects the five players that he feels will help the team get off to a strong start. These FIVE are typically called the STARTING LINEUP.
So, what does all this basketball stuff have to do with marriage, especially couples married with special needs children? Well, just like a successful basketball team has many people that matter, a successful marriage has many things that contribute to that success. Just like a championship basketball team has to pick FIVE players to put on the court to start the game, a good marriage needs to pick a few areas and start with those as they seek to win the marriage game. We believe focusing on these five will help a couple get off to a good start at building a healthy, winning marriage.
And here’s our STARTING LINEUP:
1) Winners never quit – FAITHFUL TO YOUR VOW
2) Cheer for the same team – HAVING A SHARED FAITH
3) Enjoy the game – FUN & ROMANCE
4) Cheerleaders and mascots matter – FRIENDS / COMMUNITY
5) No team is perfect – FORGIVENESS
Each session includes a discussion guide to complete after watching the video.
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