Comparison Trap: A Study for Moms (Large group- 21+ people)

Comparison Trap: A Study for Moms (Large group- 21+ people)
This item is for small group use. You may purchase this resource for larger groups or individual use from our resources page.
Rising Above Ministries' Comparison Trap small group curriculum was created especially for moms, grandmothers, and female caregivers of individuals with special needs to work through something that we ALL get caught up in, the Comparison Trap. It can be so easy to look at the lives of others and feel inadequate. Through this study, you will build confidence in your role as a special needs mom and embrace who God has called you to be.
This 4-session small group curriculum can be completed by yourself at home, or as a group with a your church or organization. You can complete this small group study over a series of 4 weeks.
After you purchase this curriculum, you will receive a downloadable pdf copy.