Rising Above Ministries Podcast - Season 2, Episode 8 - Tracey Martin

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

We know you will love hearing from our friend, Tracey Martin. Tracey is the mom of FIVE children, four of whom are quadruplets! She has been married to her husband Mike, a doctor, for 32 years, but she is honest that it hasn't always been easy. They have dealt with many challenges on staying connected, especially as they have raised two children on the autism spectrum. Their son, Gabe, has profound autism and is non-verbal and their son, Sam, has Aspergers (high functioning autism).

Favorite Quotes

"[On marriage] It hasn't all been roses and sweetness. It's been very hard, but we just cling on to each other and cling on to God to get us through." -Tracey

"You decide…make your own decisions…you're the Mother…and that child is your gift." -Tracey 

"Don't get on the autism or special needs bandwagon…if so and so is doing it, I need to do it." -Tracey

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