Rising Above with Becky Davidson - Kim Botto

About Kim

For the past several decades, Kim has led children’s and student ministries at the local church while also leading initiatives around adoption and foster care. Kim was also Director of Training and Development at a Cincinnati nonprofit working with multi-system involved youth. As an adoptive mom and advocate for kids and teens who have experienced trauma or are neurodivergent or disabled, her passion is creating spaces for all kids—regardless of their background, behavior or unique needs—to belong, contribute and grow. Through speaking, writing and coaching Kim works with parents, church leaders and organizations to equip volunteer and staff teams, strengthen families and support parents. She has a Masters in Family Ministry, Masters in Business Administration, is a Trauma Free World Affiliate Trainer, a TBRI Practitioner®, and a frequent speaker on topics related to trauma, disability, and neurodivergence and the author of the new book, Boundless Hope for Every Child.

Related Links

Rising Above resources

Kim's Website

Purchase Kim’s book: Boundless Hope

About the Show

Rising Above with Becky Davidson is created & produced by Rising Above Ministries. To learn more about us and our resources for special-needs families, visit our website at www.risingaboveministries.org. If you’ve enjoyed listening and want to hear more, we’d love for you to subscribe to our podcast or share it to encourage a friend. 

*Theme music and editing by Open Mic Studios.
