Rising Above with Becky Davidson - Kaylee Lazaro

About Kaylee

Kaylee Lazaro is a wife and a mom. She has been married to her husband for 10 years. They have two young boys with a rare condition called Cohen Syndrome. Kaylee and her family live in Alaska and they love the outdoors. They enjoy taking their boys kayaking and biking during the summer months and fat tire biking and sledding in the winter months. Kaylee has learned through her special-needs journey that God is good all the time and that everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God.


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About the Show

Rising Above with Becky Davidson is created & produced by Rising Above Ministries. To learn more about us and our resources for special-needs families, visit our website at www.risingaboveministries.org. If you’ve enjoyed listening and want to hear more, we’d love for you to subscribe to our podcast or share it to encourage a friend. 

*Theme music and editing by Open Mic Studios.
