Rising Above Ministries Podcast - Season 2, Episode 17: Jolene Philo

About Jolene

Jolene Philo is both parent and daughter of loved ones with special needs and disabilities, as well as a former educator who worked with children for 25 years. She’s written several books about caregiving, special needs parenting, and childhood PTSD, including Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities which she co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman. She speaks internationally about caregiving and parenting children with special needs and blogs at www.DifferentDream.com Jolene and her husband live in central Iowa.

Favorite Quotes:

Let this time create empathy in you. May you see what our disability community lives with all the time and then you reach out to them as individuals and as a corporate church. -Jolene Philo

Don’t discount your experience and what you’ve learned. Share it. -Jolene Philo

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Facebook page: A Different Dream for my Child
