Rising Above Ministries Podcast - Season 2, Episode 11: Joe & Cindi Ferrini


Dr. Joe and Cindi Ferrini have been married over 40 years, have 3 children (A son with special needs who lives with them and 2 married daughters and grandchildren living nearby in the Cleveland, OH area.) They have spoken nationally on special needs and with FamilyLife Weekend to Remember Get-A-Ways on the topic of marriage and family. They have written books individually and together, their most recent being "LOVE ALL-Ways: Embracing Marriage Together on the Special Needs Journey".

Related Links: 

Love All-ways book by Dr. Joe & Cindi Ferrini

See more:

My Marriage Matters on Facebook


Favorite Quotes: 

"The covenant relationship says that God brought us together for His purposes, and one of his primary purposes is to make us holy, not to make us happy." -Joe Ferrini

"We will have those moments and seasons where we will feel like we can't do it anymore- and that doesn't mean that something's wrong with you, [or] something's wrong with your marriage, it simply means that in that moment, you've had enough." -Cindi Ferrini

"We all need to have time for ourselves, for us as a couple, to really evaluate what’s important to us. And then to get up and do it again tomorrow morning." -Cindi Ferrini