Rising Above Ministries Podcast - Season 2, Episode 6 - Wally & Lisa Bryan

Episode 6: Wally & Lisa Bryan

December 3, 2019- Giving Tuesday

In this episode, we talk to Wally & Lisa Bryan, parents of a son with fragile X syndrome about their struggles through getting a diagnosis, adjusting to a routine, and finding community. We hope you will be blessed by their story!

Favorite Quotes:

 "Our faith wouldn't be where it is now had God not given us Matthew." -Wally

"God teaches us everyday through Matthew and still does." -Wally

"Nobody brings more glory to God [in our circle] than Matthew does." - Wally

Related Links:

National Fragile X Foundation www.fragilex.org 

Extra Special People https://extraspecialpeople.com/

SouthEast Gwinnett CoOperative Ministry https://www.segwinnettcoop.org/

Special Needs Schools of Gwinnett www.specialneedsschools.org/