Impact Story: January 2023

Meet the Parker Family


Rising Above is impacting the special-needs community in many ways. We encourage families through our online community groups. Families impacted by disability often feel isolated or alone and it can be difficult to build community if they don’t know anyone who is walking along this same journey. We’ve also met many families through these community groups who really can’t go to a physical church or small group because of their child’s needs.

Amy joined one of our community groups in 2022 and she has been able to find community and friendship. We’re so very happy to have her as a part of the group!

Here’s our interview with Amy.

Tell us a little about your family.

We have 4 children, 2 daughters, ages 19 and 21, and 2 sons, ages 15 and 16. We enjoy playing games, taking trips, and hanging out together at home. Our youngest son has special needs.

What was your response to your child's diagnosis? Your spouse's response? How did it affect your other children (if applicable)?

My response was shock and fear, because I could not envision what my life would look like. I wasn’t sure what my son’s future would be like and what he would be able to do.

My husband’s response was similar to mine, full of fear. My other children have grown up with an understanding and empathy toward special-needs children that they would not have had otherwise. My oldest daughter knew God wanted her to work with special-needs individuals as her vocation when she was a senior in high school. She is now a senior in college and pursing graduate school as a BCBA and is currently an RBT (Registered Behavior Technician) and works with autistic children. It has been neat to see how God has used this experience in all of their lives.

How did you first learn about Rising Above?

We attended at Special-Needs parents dinner in Auburn, Alabama about 4 years ago and heard about it there.

How has Rising Above impacted your life?

Rising Above has been an encouragement to me as we walk this journey the Lord has us on of being a special-needs family.

Please share anything else you have found encouraging or that has been vital in your journey as a special-needs family.

I have been a part of one of the online community groups for about 6 months and have enjoyed the community and relationships it has brought me with other Christian women in similar situations.

Know a special-needs parent looking for community?

All of our community groups are listed on the page linked above.

Because of your generosity, Rising Above can create spaces for parents of children with special needs to build community, make lifelong friendships, and ultimately point one another to Jesus!


Rising Above Ministries' mission is to provide hope and encouragement to special-needs families both locally and around-the-world, and offering events for families with special needs is moving that mission forward in amazing ways!