Surviving Life's Storms Session Six: May 18, 2020
It’s week Six! Sometimes the hardest part of this journey is walking through seasons where God’s voice is quiet. Join us this week for encouragement and support as we talk about that perceived silence.
Here’s how this works.
We will post a new video and discussion board eachMonday for 7 weeks. Watch the vintage video of Jeff or Becky discussing the current topic. Then, read the questions and post your point of view in the comment box below. Feel free to read the other’s comments and reply! The more conversation we can get going, the better this small group will be.
Remember, He sees you!
Nothing catches God by surprise. Even if it seems like God is quiet in your life, He is always in control and He is always with you.
Read Matthew 14. Notice what Jesus was doing while the disciples were in the storm. He was on the mountain top watching the storm. He was with the disciples all along. Just not in a way that they could see or understand.
God uses the rainbow as a symbol of His promise. Even when I don’t feel Him, I’m reminded of God’s presence every time I see one.
God always shows up in ways that we least expect it.
Here at Rising Above, we want to provide community for you and for other special needs families. There are others who understand what you’re going through. Email us or comment below! We’d love to hear from you!
Discussion questions:
Instructions for commenting: Choose one discussion question or answer them all. Use the comment section below! You do not have to have a SquareSpace account to comment. You will be prompted to enter your name and email address. You do not have to enter a website URL. Click comment as a guest. Email Kim at if you have more questions.
Someone once said, "The only way to fully understand what God is doing is to look back at the situation. You won't be able to comprehend what He is doing by focusing on the present." Describe a time when you felt all alone, but in looking back you can now see God was there all along.
Many times God shows up in our storms through His people. Share a time when God used someone to help you survive a storm.
Read Matthew 14:22-36. These verses tell us that when His disciples were in the boat Jesus went to the mountains to pray. From the mountains, Jesus would have been able to see all of the lake and the men as they were in their boat. Does it change your perspective on the passage to know that from Jesus' vantage point on the mountain top He would have been able to keep His disciples in view throughout the storm?