Flip Side Session FOUR: March 30, 2020


Happy Monday! We hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend! We’re going to be talking about how we can change our attitudes and the words coming out of our mouths by changing what we meditate on! Grab your bibles and join us for today’s session about the FLIP SIDE!

Quick reminder of how this works.

We will post a new video and discussion board each day (MWF for two weeks). Watch the video of Becky discussing the current topic. Then, read the questions and post your point of view in the comment box below. Feel free to read the other’s comments and reply! The more conversation we can get going, the better this small group will be.


What are our thoughts fixed on today?

Read Philippians 4:8.

Are we meditating on the things we can’t control or the things we can only stress about? Are we caught in the cycle of endlessly googling? The thoughts we allow to hang around in my mind will eventually move down to my heart. Then, what is in our heart will come out of our mouths. If we want our words to be encouraging and build our families up, we have to guard our minds and be intentional about what we allow our minds to meditate on.


As you work through the FLIP SIDE study, pencil in your answers on your paper. Then, share your answers in the comment section below!

Discussion questions:

Instructions for commenting: Choose one discussion question or answer them all. Use the comment section below! You do not have to have a SquareSpace account to comment. You will be prompted to enter your name and email address. You do not have to enter a website URL. Click comment as a guest. Email Kim at kthorpe@risingaboveminsitries.org if you have more questions.

How does what we think about, or dwell on, affect our perspective?

Read Philippians 4:8. What does this verse tell us about our thoughts? How can thinking on these things help us change our perspective in the challenges we face raising a child with special needs?

Read Romans 12:2. How can allowing God to renew your mind help you have a positive outlook on any situation you face? What are ways you renew your mind and focus on God's truth?