Finding Calm in the Storm


Perfect peace

Becky Davidson


COVID-19. Travel Bans. School Closings. Tornadoes. Presidential Election. Stock Prices Falling

There is so much going on in the world today that can cause fear and anxiety to creep into our minds and set up shop in our hearts. It is so easy to focus on what we see happening in the world around us and for our faith to be shaken and our hearts to be troubled.

I love what we are told in Isaiah 26:3. In fact, this verse has been running through my mind all day today.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Isaiah 26:3

PERFECT PEACE! I don’t know about you, but I could sure use a dose of perfect peace right now. 

Thankfully this verse tells us how we can have that peace. 

  1. “All who trust in you” will have perfect peace.

There are times when I struggle to trust God’s plan. I don’t always like or understand how situations unfold in my life or in the world around me. Frankly, there have been times when I was flat out angry at the path God had laid in front of me.

But when I make the decision to trust that God’s plans for me are good, even when they don’t make sense, I am filled with a supernatural peace. 

This quote from my late husband, Jeff Davidson, sums it up beautifully. 


“When we feel we cannot trust God’s actions in our life,

we must trust His heart.” 

Jeff Davidson

I may not always understand why things happen the way they do but I must trust that His heart for me is pure and loving, then the peace will follow. 

2. “All whose thoughts are fixed on you” will have perfect peace.

If my thoughts are fixed on news reports, Google searches and social media posts, my heart can quickly slip to a place of fear and discouragement. 

But when I think about God’s goodness, times He has come through for me or my family, His love for me, and I remind myself of the promises from His word, His perfect peace begins to flow into my heart and out to others around me.

What things do you have in your life that help you to maintain that Perfect Peace? Leave a comment below!

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