FREE Date Night Download!!!

We know how hard it can be to get a date night out with your spouse. When you are raising children with special needs, this can add a new challenge. We want making time for one another to be a joy and something you can do in your home without a sitter and without spending a lot of money. This date night is designed for you to do after the kids go to bed and cost less than $20. We’ve listed the items you need for the date night! We’ve also included some conversation starters to move into a time of sharing memories and more about yourself with your spouse. Thank you for making time for each other! Enjoy the movie!!

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Take time to watch that movie everyone has been talking about! Snuggle up and eat some popcorn!

Things you will need for your date night:

Movie of your choice: We love Netflix, Amazon Prime, or rent from your local Redbox!

Coke, Popcorn, Movie Theatre Candy (We recommend Junior Mints and Mike N’ Ikes!)